Summertime! And the living is easy... (If I knew how to insert musical notes I would do it here). It's a song, an oldie.
Anyway, I do feel like the living is easy. I love summer vacation.
I love having my kids here.
I love taking little field trips.
I love that everyone is already getting tanned.
I love that I only have to set my alarm clock once a week. (for church)
I love that my kids are finally old enough that they don't feel the need to come and announce to me when they are awake in the morning (which sometimes can be in the 6's.)
I love that we have a neighborhood pool at our disposal. We go everyday.
I love that my kids love to play together.
most of the time.I love that they still want to play with me.
I love watermelon, corn on the cob, cucumber lemonade and grilling out.
I love watching the lightening bugs light up the evening yard.
I love that we have no real schedule to keep to.
I love that all my kids can swim (Elliott with floaties) so I can
sit by the pool some and read.
I love summertime reading.
I love that we have plans to go to the beach.
..... I love many more things....
I guess I should say "I'm thankful for" instead of "I love" because God is the author of all of these things and so many, many more. Only God could think up something like fireflies.
God has truly blessed us.