It took me 4 days to read the 4th and final book in the Twilight series, Eclipse. It took me about 2 weeks to read all 4 books. I'm a little sad now that I'm done and at a loss for what to read next. I can't go back to a political thriller, not now, not after Twilight and Edward. If you read my first post about Twilight, you know my thoughts on Edward. After I wrote that, I thought of several more qualities that add to his perfectness. There was one flaw though that did occur to me. He's not funny. He never cracks a joke. Sure sometimes he can be a little sarcastic in a humorous kind of way, but he's not someone you would find yourself wanting to be around purely for the laughs. Most girls I know like guys who are funny to some extent. Most guys I know like to be funny. It doesn't really matter though. When you are a beautiful, rich, intelligent, multilingual, boat sailin', fast driving, beautiful, value lovin', immortal vampire who's faster than the speed of light with super human strength and the self control of a rock, you don't need to be funny too. Ahhh...Edward.
Even though I did enjoy it, book 4 was not my favorite. My friend, Susan described the whole book as having an epilogue feel. I tend to agree. The author did a good job of wrapping up all of the characters in a way that was pleasing to the fans, yet still managed to be a little surprising. (To me anyway. Maybe some of you were better at figuring out how the Jacob/Bella/Edward love triangle was going to work out than I was.) My guess was that Bella's mom somehow was part vampire. That would explain how Bella was so good at being a vampire from the start and how she seemed to have special powers (the mind blocking thing) even before her transformation. I was wrong. Not the first time. The author completely left it open for a whole other series though. Maybe my guess will turn out to be right some day. Maybe Stephanie Myer will read my blog and get the idea from me!
To finish my earlier thought; book 4 was not my favorite partly because it seemed that all of the characters went under some pretty drastic transformations, not just Bella, and not all in the physical sense. I had grown to like the characters as they were in the first 3 books. Edward was not so perfect in this one. His human side showed through a lot more. Maybe that made him more attractive to some of you but not to me. His whole appeal for me was based on the fact that he wasn't like anything or anyone I've ever known. Ya, I know, I've never before met a vampire! Can you believe it?! That's not really what I mean. You know, he was perfect. He was a rock of strength and moral character. In book 4, he was ready to kill his own unborn child and when that didn't happen, he spent his time in such physical and mental anguish that his flawless facade disappeared. I know, I know, it was supposed to be all romantic because he was suffering for the love of his life/existence. But I liked him, calm, cool and collected.
Jacob's personality also went through some changes. Yes, like I said before, I was glad the author gave him an avenue of happiness and that he wasn't left burned and bitter, but he just wasn't the same after that. And Bella, of course, experiencing the most drastic change of them all, was different too. I know that couldn't really be avoided being that she pretty much died and came back into existence as a vampire, but I kinda liked the crazy, stubborn, dependant, clumsy Bella from before. Of course, it was totally cool that she can now kick but.
Another thing that made #4 not my fave was the baby thing. The speed at which this baby was supposed to have grown freaked me out a bit. The whole time I kept picturing that computerized dancing baby from the 90's. Remember? I think it was on Ally McBeal a few times? Anyway, like my friend, Nancy, I am wondering how they are going to make this one into a movie. I guess if I'd actually read Lord of the Rings before I saw the movie, I would have wondered how they were going to make that one a movie too, but they did.
I could sit here and disect the book from a Christian worldview, but I can't expend that kind of mental engery right now. All I know, is I am a Christian. I'm 34 years old. I'm married (almost 9 years) and have 3 kids. And I liked Twilight.
I do wish it wasn't over. At least I know I have 2 more movies to look forward to!
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