I feel a bit like an irresponsible parent getting a cat knowing my daughter is allergic. She's not deathly allergic. Obviously, we wouldn't be that irresponsible. But she does get these itchy red bumps. It seems to mostly come from contact. She's fine as long as she doesn't touch them. Which it is impossible to tell a 5 year old who has been begging us for a pet practically all her life, not to touch these incredibly adorable kittens. (who are named Kitty and Pumpkin). Benedryl seems to help, but I don't want to have to give that to her everyday.
Our plan is to eventually put the cats outside for some or most of the day. These will be working cats. No free loading in this house. We are also hoping that once the newness of the cats wears off, the kids won't want to be holding them 24/7 and that that will help keep Grace's allergy in check.
Our reasoning is that cats are a LOT cheaper than paying someone to rodent proof the house. We got an estimate on that. $4000!! Ya. I know. And no, we don't have $4K sitting around the house or the bank for that matter.
They sure are cute though! Kitty (yes, I know. very original.) is about 5 weeks old and Pumpkin is 7 or 8 weeks. They are both orange and female which evidently is very rare. Most orange cats are male. The funny thing is, my husband seems almost as enamored with the cats as the kids are. He checks on them (we keep them in the basement for now) before bed like I check on the kids. It's cute.
They are adorable!! And yes, orange tabby cats are hardly ever female. We have had two male orange tabbys over the last 20 years - right now we are on our second. I am totally on board with your rodent patrol. We have a feral outdoor cat that is black and lives on our deck - we have no rodent issues at all - unlike some of our neighbors.