It seems that we have had to establish a "cat time out." I recently posted about our new kitties. Pumpkin, 8 weeks and Kitty, 6 weeks. I'm amazed the cats haven't cut and run at this point. They constantly have 3 pairs of little hands grabbing, jostling and toting them around. Kitty, being so little and never really having had a chance to get used to another home before ours, is pretty accommodating. And she's so playful. Pumpkin, on the other hand, had a previous owner for a few weeks, which I'm guessing is a pretty long time in cats time. She was pretty skiddish when she first got here. You had to catch her to hold her. However, once you do get a hold of her, she is very docile. Her claws never come out. Yet. I'm waiting for that. She is warming up to us though. She still doesn't like it if you charge her in your eagerness to pick her up, or if you make any sudden movements in her direction or if you close her up in the little play kitchen fridge and claim she likes it.
Regardless of her unsure attitude towards us, she does like to be around people. If she is not in the same room with one of us, she'll come find us and then just sit there. She also needs to know where Kitty is at all times. If she can't find Kitty, she'll make this moaning, meow sound until she finds her.
Anyway, Cat Time Out. We are constantly telling the kids things like "be gentle", "don't hold the cat like that", "no running with the cats!", "don't touch the cats while they are eating or using the potty." If you break any of these "rules", or any other "rule" mom or dad come up with on the fly concerning the cats, you get Cat Time Out, meaning, you can't touch or be near the cats for a certain amount of time.
They do love those cats. Here are some unrelated cute cat pics:

Elliott fell asleep on the couch yesterday afternoon and Kitty climbed up and joined her.

Cute, playful Kitty

Pumpkin just chillin

Pumpkin spent most of yesterday with Chi Chi, Kristin's most favorite thing in the world. As you can tell, Chi Chi has been well loved. I'm hoping the real cats wear better than Chi Chi has.
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