We had a fun Halloween. We had 2 black cats and Princess Belle. Evidently, I did such a good job assisting Belle with her hair and make up that one of our black cats declared that next year, she wants to be Belle.
I think this was our best trick or treating experience to date. No one ran away screaming because of a neighbor's dog. No one had to be taken home early because she saw someone dressed in a costume that was scary. No one cried. Everyone walked all on their own. No one had to go potty. No one lost a shoe. And the weather was PERFECT. You could not have asked for better Halloween weather. Cool, but not too cold. Clear skies. No bugs. Awesome.
Elliott did declare after a few houses that she thought they had enough candy, but I think she just wanted to go home so she could eat some.
Adorable kitty cats and Princess Belle!