Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Proud to be a Fish

It seems that I feel the need to address the title of my blog today. For those of you unclear as to what the heck I am talking about; the title of my blog "Fish Out of Water" refers to our family as Christians (the fish) and our experience in the public school, not private (hence, the "out of water" part).

People in my Christian world have strong opinions on this subject matter. In fact, it's difficult to have a civil conversation with some Christians if you are one of those, like us, who do not send your kids to the Christian school. It can get heated.

To be blunt, our main reason for going public is plain and simple, the money. It's darn expensive to do the private thing! Darn expensive! So darn expensive, that we have friends who are very pro private school but have sadly had to pull their kids out and go to the public school because it was beginning to get to be too much.

I wish I could say our reasons were more noble, like that we send our children to public school so that they can be missionaries for Christ and so that they and we as a family can have a positive impact on the nonbelievers we come across. But no. It's the money.

So, what brought this on you might ask. Well, a friend of mine whose brother, I believe, writes for a Christianpublication in Canada, posted an interesting article on Facebook today. (I think he does book reviews). He was discussing a book called, "Going Public; Your Child Can Thrive in Public School." by David and Kelli Pritchard.
I have not read this book. I have only read the review that my friend's brother wrote. It was interesting. Interesting enough that I may check this book out and interesting enough that I wanted to share it with you.

No matter what our reasons for going public or private are, the fact is that we as parents, have a responsibility to educate our children. I like how the author of the book says that when his kids start (public) school, they are not going alone. It is a "family expedition....that mom and dad are not just involved with the children but with the school and teachers and leaders."

I believe that's how it should be no matter what type of school you go to. GET INVOLVED!! These are your babies we are talking about! You should be there. Get to know the teachers on a personal level. Let them get to know you. Know what's being taught. AND TEACH YOUR KIDS AT HOME!!!

And let me say that I am not in love with the whole public school thing. I am not pro P.S. and anti private or vice versa. I will never argue that P.S. is the way to go for everyone. There are defiantly things that bother me, even make me angry. But this is the path we have chosen for our family for now and we are going to make the best of it. We can and will thrive and survive. AND, possibly come out better for it?? I can't say. And it could be that one day we do give private a try. I do know, from my personal experience, I found it easier to be a Christian when I was in public school than when I attend a Christian college. I know that is not everyones experience, but it was mine. I also know from my current experience that it is SO easy to stay in my little Christian cocoon, yes, even though we are in P.S. I can just ignore all that I see around me that is of this world and surround myself with just God stuff and God people. That's what Jesus did, right? (**note the tone of sarcasm here** ~clears throat~).

So, for now, we will do what we can to prepare and encourage our children to be in the world but not of it, to love our Lord God with all their hearts, to strive to honor Him in all they do, and to
stand up for what they know is right and true, despite what their friends or even teachers may say, as we should no matter what school they attend.

That being said, below is a link to the article/book review. From what I understand, this book is meant to encourage families like us who, for whatever reason, find themselves as Fish Out of Water.


  1. Great blog one who has three in college, all of who were educated in the public school system I encourage you to not feel pressured. We made the conscious decision when ours were little to be light on the hill-not hidden under a basket-our children's faith was strengthened by their journey.
    Sue Mitchell
