I've mentioned before how much my kids like play dough. I know some parents are a little scared of it because if it gets dropped on the carpet and then stepped on, it's there for good. And yes, that's happened to us. In fact, we just replaced play dough riddled carpet in our basement. And until I can get a suitable mat to put under their little art table that goes in the basement, they will not be playing with play dough down there any time soon.
But, I still love play dough. It entertains them for a really long time and I am always amazed at the creations they come up with. For example, my middle child created various Disney characters this afternoon. Just check out this detail!
This is Jasmine from Aladdin, laying on the magic carpet. |
My 4 year old had to get in on the action. She made a sleeping mask. |
This is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, complete with her spinning wheel.
This is the girl from the new Disney movie, Brave. This movie isn't even out yet, but the girls have seen enough commercials that they know a little about what she looks like. |
This is Belle from Beauty and the Beast and Lumiere, the candlestick (the red thing is a couch.)

This is Rapunzel, from Tangled. Notice the briad in her hair complete with flowers (as seen in the movie). The thing to the right is a bridge.

This is Tiana from Princess and the Frog. Since she spends much of the movie as a frog, she is sitting in the water amongst the lily pads. |
And just to wrap things up, this is the leaning tower of play dough (similar to the leaning tower of Pisa).
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