Yea! It's summer! (cause school it out here). However, I am not prepared to do a summer post quite yet, so I will fill you in on some old news. I think it was last week, we had a really bad hail storm, the worst I've ever seen. Not so bad in size but very destructive in quantity and velocity.
Of course the first thing I did was to grab my camera.
The is the view out our front door. Because it had been hot outside, the cold hail mixed with the warm ground made a very dense fog/steam effect. It was kinda cool. |
You might not know it to look at it, but this is our driveway. (going off to the left) |
It's kinda hard to see in this picture, but the hail stripped our poor Crape Myrtle of most of it's leaves. |
And the aftermath. There is supposed to be a sidewalk here. The hail brought down with it lots and lots and lots of leaves. The air was thick with a fresh pine smell. As my kids said, it smelled like Christmas. It did. You could even smell it from inside. |
Our driveway was a MESS. |
And this is our driveway after I spent about 45 minutes blowing it off. This wasn't like blowing dry fall leaves. These were heavy, wet, green leaves. The poor blower could only handle so much before I had to help it out with the rake. |
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