Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why? Why?!

I am so tired of having to deny myself of the 2 things I love to do most; eating and shopping. I can't eat what I want as often as I want it because I don't want to have to apply to be on The Biggest Loser. I can't shop as often as I'd like without having to pay attention to the price tag because we are not filthy rich. We have a mortgage. And 3 kids (who by the way, luck out by getting a completely new wardrobe every season because they keep growing. *said with mock sarcasm in my voice*) I keep growing too! (probably due to the afore mentioned first love) Why can't I get a whole new wardrobe with the coming of each new season?! Oh ya, that pesky, not being filthy rich thing.

All I want is to be able to go on a good shopping spree and end the day with a good meal of something fried, something baked and something frosty. Is that too much to ask!?

However, tonight, after a long day of looking after sick kids, not feeling well myself and still having to fold 2 baskets of laundry (leftover from the original 5 baskets yesterday), fix lunch, cook dinner, clean up dinner, and still to come, baths and the lovely task of getting all 3 kids in bed and actually asleep (which for some reason, takes WAY too long), I was craving something sweet so I treated myself. After digging through the pantry trying to find something that would satisfy my unidentified craving, I found and opened up a big 'ol chocolate bar that had been hiding for who knows how long. (It still had a good 2 months on the sell by date, so I'm good). And it didn't stop there. Then after eating a couple of squares, it donned on me that I could make the already yummy chocolate even yummier. So I got out the peanut butter. Yummm. It was just me, a giant chocolate bar and a jar of frightened peanut butter. It was nice. I didn't eat the whole thing, mind you. I ate enough.

In case you are wondering where the kids are at this time, my hus took them to Chuck E. Cheese. Yep. All 3, by himself. Wasn't that nice? I kinda expected them to last about 30 minutes, but it's been more than an hour now. While I'm on the subject of how nice my husband is, let me just add one more thing. Since I was not feeling well today, he came home from work to help out with the kids. He was a good sport about it. He tried to work from home some, but also attended to the children when needed, one of which was under the weather too. And he did it all with out complaining or begrudging me. (at least not that I could tell). Thanks, hon.

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