She did completely fine for two years of pre school. Didn't cry once. I reminded her of this. She says she's just used to being with me and her blanket all day and misses us (me and the blanket). She cries every morning now and sometimes at night. It's heart breaking for me to see her so sad. I do take some comfort though, in knowing that Kristin is there and can at least walk her to class. I remind myself, that even Kristin who is my social bug, never afraid of a new situation as long as there are other kids to play with kid, had some adjustment issues in kindergarten. It took almost the whole first semester for Kristin to completely adjust. But once she did, she never looked back. This year, I only got to walk her to class once. After that, it was, "moooommm. I can go by myself!" For her, one thing I did was to print out a picture of me and one of her very favorite, stuffed cat, Chi Chi, to keep in her lunch box. If she got sad, she could look at our picture. That seemed to help her a bit. I tried that with Grace. She said she did not want a picture because if she looked at it at school, it would just make her miss us (again, me and the blankie) even more. Makes sense to me. I can identify with Grace. I very much like my comfort zones. I remember being that way as a kid.
I know she'll be fine. I just hope that it's sooner than later. I hate seeing her sad. It makes me think crazy, like I might want to home school or something!
This picture is the one we took so she could have it to take to school. You can tell she'd been crying, but she put on a brave face for about a second and a half for the picture.
You are such a beauty Katie!!! I'll pray for you and Grace during this period. I haven't had to deal with this yet, which is strange because I think I cried every day of kindergarten and a few weeks into 1st grade. I know I'll deal with this soon because my 3 1/2 year old never went to the nursery and still won't go to Sunday School. He cries if we even mention trying and being my baby, I just let him come to my class with me. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks and thanks, Gretchen!
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling. Samuel and Gracie have always wanted to be with me. It does make you really consider letting them tag along with you all day. BUT...I did send Samuel last year and now he loves school and quite frankly the best decision we ever made! I think they all will eventually get used to it ...for some it just takes a little longer and a little more love...but they make it...and I think it's good for them. :)
ReplyDeleteYa, I know, she'll be fine and will most likely love it at some point. She usually calms down pretty fast once she gets to school, it's just the anticipation that the hardest. The mommy in me hates to see her sad. She keeps asking why does she have to go and I want to say, "I don't know. You can stay home." But I don't.