I love fall. and I can sense it coming. It's in the change of the light. I first noticed it about a week ago as I was driving the kids to school early one morning. There was just something about the color of the light at that time of morning. Maybe it's that it wasn't quite as bright as it is on summer mornings. Or is it that it was brighter? I forget. Anyway, it was different. Later, I noticed the lighting difference on my living room floor. I am ashamed to admit that twice a year, spring and fall, I am made aware of the upcoming change of seasons when the light begins to hit my living room floor in such a way that the dust is illuminated just so. There, I admitted it. My floors are dusty.
So anyway, it's coming, it's coming! My favorite time of year! I love it for many reasons; I love the colors, the cooler air, the actual crispness you can feel. I love apple picking, fried apple pie, apple butter, apple fritters, apple bread... I love going to the pumpkin patch, pumpkin muffins. I love the change in wardrobe. I love Thanksgiving, time with family, time off. I love that the "holidays" begin with Thanksgiving (in my mind at least). Yes, I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC! and I start listening to it religiously and almost exclusively on Thanksgiving day. I love the Thanksgiving day parade. I love that we get our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving. All of this talk to the fall and the holidays (and the mention of all my fav fall eats) makes me think of food and eating and...does anyone know of a good exercise for losing neck and/or chin fat? Ha. Just kidding. (mostly). My nose used to be my most hated part of my body and though it still ranks pretty high on the list, it's been bumped from #1 by my chin/neck area. The older I get (and the more I refuse to diet - a dirty word in my opinion), the more I dislike that part of my body. I know if I just lost 20-30 lbs, that would take care of the problem. I just don't see that happening. Not while I have little kids at home. I blame the kids. Always have.
Anywho...all that has NOTHING to do with why I started this post. Man, can I hop on a rabbit trail or what!?!
So back to my love of fall. It puts me in a good mood. Just the anticipation of it can put me in a good mood. I even like the football season part of fall. (Roll Tide Roll). My husband loves that part of fall. When I was pregnant with our first child, I went in to early labor at 25 weeks and was put on 12 weeks of bed rest, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF FALL! I had to miss it all! I was so depressed!! I was forced to lay on the couch and just look out of the window at the beautiful fall as it happened outside, just out of my reach. The only good part of my bed rest being in fall was that my husband was perfectly happy to lay on the couch with me all weekend long, because of the football.
So before I head down another rabbit trail, I'm gonna leave you with a few pics I took last year when Elliott and I went on a fall colors walk. I'm looking forward to adding to my collection in the coming months.

Love those pictures...I do love the fall too...GO VOLS!