Grace brought home a dreidel they made at school yesterday. If she comes home with a Menorah, I'm sending in a Christmas tree activity and may even get bold enough to send in a nativity one too!
~disclaimer...again, it's not that I mind them learning about Hanukkah, it's just the fact that while it seems ok to learn about Jewish traditions anything Christian is taboo. And yes, I am aware that a dreidel, in and of itself does not really say anything about the Jewish faith, but then neither does a Christmas tree does it? (except that it has the word CHRIST in it). ~However, the Hebrew letters on a dreidel are said to form the acronym "A Great Miracle Happened Here." Who do you think performed that miracle? Yep, I did my research.
Hey...Samuel won the dreidel game at school today and brought home a prize. Does always amaze me that although they will talk about Santa and Christmas trees, they never discuss the nativity because it is a religious holiday. Now...isn't Hanukkah a religous holiday????