Saturday, January 16, 2010

and so it ends...

Well, that's it. Louis lasted an astounding 7 days. Yesterday at approximately 1:30 PM, Louis passed on. Yes, I know you may be laughing...he only lasted 1 week! In my infinate wisdom on all things fishy, I think something was wrong with Louis when we got him. He never ate. He didn't even swim around all that much. My daughter, Kristin and I were cleaning out his bowl and it seems that the shock of being moved back and forth (and possiblily the fact that I may have had the new water just a tid too cold) was too much for his already feeble fish body to handle. So, in summary, I refuse to believe that Louis died due to any fault of our own, and I'll testify to that in a court of law!

Don't worry though, we have a new one! Introducing, Wilbert.

Wilbert is also a Beta Fish and already, he seems to be starting off in a bit better shape than poor Louis ever was. This fish actually eats and swims around pretty furriously. Kristin had a brief moment of sadness when Louis died and Elliott was appalled when I put him in the potty. She is only 2 though and came to terms with it pretty quickly.

So, one chapter ends and a new one begins. I have high hopes for Wilbert. I have a feeling this one will be around for a while. (If not though, I'll let you know!)

1 comment:

  1. Here's a tip re: changing fish water - set out clean water in a pitcher on the counter 24 hours before cleaning the bowl. Dump the old water and add the clean water that was set out. That's how we cleaned our fish bowl. We had a beta fish that lived for 2 years.
