Friday, January 8, 2010

The Fish

I guess that given the name of my blog, it's only appropriate that we now have a fish. My sister gave one, a beta, to Kristin for her 7th birthday. I had a fish once. It was just one of those little grey fish with the golden heads. I kept it in a glass, round bowl on the top of my book shelf. That's were I kept all the others that followed as well since I was apparently inept at keeping a fish alive. Repeatedly, I would find that fish (or one of it's siblings) floating, upside down, at the top of the bowl, eyes bugged out. Occasionally, I would forget about the fish long enough, that by the time I found it dead, not only would his eyes be bugged out, but he would have started to decompose and get all fuzzy. It was gross. I'm pretty sure I usually depended on my dad to dispose of it. It had no name. Not one that I can remember anyway. Kristin's fish is named Louis. He is a pretty fish, kind of a deep blue with long, flowy fins. Our middle daughter was pretty excited at our addition. "We finally have a pet!"

So the count down begins. Today is day 1 in Louis life as our first family pet. Anyone want lay any bets on how long Louis is with us? I'm betting he's gone before the 1 oz. container of fish food is. Maybe I'll be wrong though. How long do Beta fish live anyway? What's our level of commitment here should we actually do a stand up job of caring for him? I need to look that up. I should also start a countdown to see how long it takes before I walk in the room and find my 2 year old holding Louis while trying to brush his flowy, long fins. She just wants to be helpful and make sure he's pretty!

Anyway, thanks, sis! The girls will enjoy him however long he lasts. It'll be fun!

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