Monday, October 18, 2010

On Aging

Well, today is my birthday. And I'm feeling it. My knees hurt. I grunt and groan when I have to get down on the floor and even more when I have to get back up. My arms have started having this weird circulation problem where they fall asleep and get all tingly if I hold them above my shoulder for more than 60 seconds. Sometimes, I just ache. And I'm only 35!!! Golly! What's it gonna be like when I'm 65??!! And my brain is showing my aging too. Yesterday while trying to iron a shirt to wear for church, I spilled my coffee. So, after watching it waterfall onto the already nasty, basement carpet, I finally made a move to stop the spill and clean it up. Then I hear this weird puffing noise coming from the iron. Of course, in my "haste" to clean up the coffee, I had set the iron down, face down, ON the shirt I was ironing. What a dummy! And then I spilled my coffee AGAIN! Not 2 minutes later! Fortunately, it was not near my time of the month or this chain of events would have really set me off and most likely ruined my whole day and therefore ruining the day of my family.
So, as I fight the effects of aging, I will most likely be spending my birthday doing laundry and running errands and shuttling kids around. You know, fun stuff like that. I do know I'm not cooking tonight. We did already do an official celebration over the weekend with my sis and her hus at a rather fancy restaurant. Minus the kids of course.
I'll pontificate later about what a good year #34 was and how much God has greatly blessed me and my family and about what I hope for year #35. Right now, my knees hurt and I'm going to get some Tylenol.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Katie! So glad to hear you got out for a "kid free" birthday celebration. Enjoy your day!
