My day started at 6 AM as usual, so I could get up, get myself showered and dressed before having to wake 2 of the girls up at 6:30. Once they are up and dressed, we hustle downstairs for breakfast and the making of the lunches. Then we are out the door by 7:30 to get Kristin and Grace to school. Minutes before this, poor Elliott is plucked out of her slumber and strapped in her carseat since I can't very well leave her home alone. (my hus is usually gone before 7 AM).
Then Elliott and I return home, only to do the whole breakfast thing again. I usually have a few minutes here to check email before having to get Elliott dressed and ready for school. We are out the door by 9:15 (on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
I love Elliott's preschool. It's been the one both Kristin and Grace attended, each for 2 years. This is my 5th consecutive year at the Wee School (cute name, huh?). But, they don't have a car pool line. As much of a pain as it is to have to park, get out of the car, walk in to her class, wait until 9:30 on the dot (the teachers do not open their doors for business until exactly 9:30), I have come to appreciate it. It is by doing this and not just dropping off my kiddies, that I have made some good friends. I have always gotten to know all the kids in their classes and their parents. I have (and still do ) hung out with some of the mommies I have met and made friends with, outside of school. That being said, it's still a pain on a rainy, cold day, or when you have to bring in 3 kids only to drop off one like I did when Kristin was 4 and Grace and Elliott were around but did not attend.
Anyway, all that is to say, that I had to drop off Elliott precisely at 9:30 while I was also supposed to be at Grace's class at 9:30 to be center helper. I made it by 9:40. Fortunately, their schools are not far apart. So, I was center helper in Grace's class until 10:30. Then I had to run over to Kristin's class to put together their Thursday folders. That actually is not a big deal and only took about 20 minutes. I actually had about an hour before I had to get back to Elliott's school to help with her class's fall party.
The parents are responsible for planning and executing the parties at the Wee School through out the year. The teacher in me took over and pretty much planned and lead the whole party myself. I hope the other moms (there were 2) were not offended by my apparent yet unintended bossiness. They seemed ok with it.
Nevertheless, the party went off without a hitch. The kids seemed to enjoy it.
So then, I was almost done. Elliott and I got home, had about 45 minutes before having to go outside to wait for the bus (it drops the kids off at our drive way. How awesome is that!) and then more , albeit normal, chaos ensued with everyone home. It was a busy day. But a successful one.
I intended to take pictures as I went from class to class. Unfortunately, the only class I remembered to take pictures was the last one, Elliott's. And, I only got 1 pic. And, it is pretty not great. I have this point and shoot I keep in my purse at all times, you never know when you will need to take a picture and I don't trust the quality of my phone. But, I hate the point and shoot I have. It's junk. I have yet to take a decent shot with it.
Anyway, here it is.
I am glad I get to be involved in my kids' classes. I am a very big believer in, no matter what kind of school your kids go to, private or public, you've got to be involved. Get in the classroom. See what's going on. Meet their friends. Make yourself known. Get to know the teacher on a personal level. Everyone involved can only benefit from it.
I agree with being involved. It makes a big difference. I happen to be blessed to be Gracie's teacher this year but I do try to stay in the boy's rooms as much as I can with her still at home. It's hard with then at different schools but it makes a big difference.