Friday, April 1, 2011

Ode to the last 10 years.

It's been 10 years. 10 years that have flown by. 10 years since I married the love of my life.

A lot has changed since then, yet a lot has not changed. I still feel 25. (I may not look it but I feel it). When I was 25 I probably would have said I still feel like a teenager. I'm pretty sure I've outgrown that teenage feeling, but I still do feel young. I still find it hard to believe that I'm a mom to 3 kids and an experienced wife.

10 years ago, we lived in a little apartment about 900 square feet. Paul was working at Bell South. I was teaching 1st grade at an inner city school and counting the days until we got pregnant so I could quit. Since then, we have moved twice, Paul has had 6 different jobs (2 of those within the same company), we had 3 kids in 4 years, I quit my teaching job and started my own photography business.

Things have morphed and changed over the years into the life we live now. I often sit back and think I lead a charmed life. God has SO blessed us. I don't have to work. We have a nice house, 2 cars, 3 beautiful, healthy girls. I have a husband who loves me and loves the Lord. We have 2 extended families who love us and the Lord as well. We have a great church and great friends. God has SO blessed us.

And it all started when God separately led Paul and I to move away from our hometowns, the towns we grew up in, the place where all our family and friends were, to do something against our natures, to move to a new, big city where neither of us knew anyone. He led us to attend the same church. Both of us happened to be dating other people when we met (me, 1 guy in particular, Paul, a couple of girls- he wasn't shy of the ladies). He led us away from those other people and then led us together.

Our very first date was to see Sting at the fabulous Fox theater. It was really the best first date I have ever been on and I've been on a few first dates. We doubled with some friends of Paul's, friends that we are still friends with to this day, whom we've grown closer to over the years. We dated for 10 months before we got engaged - a whirlwind trip to NYC for the day - and were engaged for 4 months. And it's been bliss ever since!

Paul still exhibits all of the qualities and characteristics that helped me to fall in love with him 10 years ago and more.
He is a godly man, a spiritual leader. He is ambitious, supportive, loving, a devoted family man, a devoted husband, trustworthy. He calls me at least twice everyday from work, he takes the trash out without complaining, he likes to sweep and vacuum. He's a loving father, a hard worker, a good business man, very intelligent, a loyal friend. He likes (or at least doesn't mind) that I'm strong willed (right?). He's friendly, sociable, funny, bald and very handsome. He's an awesome, multi talented musician. He's athletic (or used to be). He loves the outdoors. He quietly goes along on all my family trip ideas even if he doesn't really want to and doesn't try to make me feel bad when said trip was not fun for anyone. He says "I love you" every time before saying goodbye on the phone. He's patient. very patient. He does not hold a grudge. He's funny and he thinks he's funny. He protects and takes care of me and our children.

All in all, he's a pretty good guy. I think I made a pretty good decision to marry him. I think I might give him another 10 years, maybe 50. My grandparents were married for 60 years before my grandmother died. 60 years! In 50 years, I'll be 85, Paul 88. That's doable. We could make it.

My prayer is that the next 50 years are as blissful and happy as the first 10 have been. Happy Anniversary, Paul! I love you!

FYI; Tomorrow's post may be about how Paul got mad at me for embarrassing him by writing all this stuff about him. Should I add "humble" to the list? Maybe "slow to anger" and " understanding."


  1. Thanks for this glimpse into who you married! Happy Anniversary!

  2. We both got good guys. Happy Anniversary guys. We miss you both.
