So anyway, I was recently reinspired. Part of my inspiration came from VBS (Vacation Bible School for any of you unchurched folks). Our VBS shirts this year were a pretty unappealing color of neon green. Many of the more artsy and crafty gals at our church "tweaked" their shirts by making a little snip here, a little cinch there, and sometimes a little added ribbon. It all got me to thinking.
Last week, I got my girls a new first day of school outfit. They all got skirts, Kristin and Grace these cute plaid skirts and Elliott a cute little brown skirt with big pink flowers. To go with the skirts they got plain t-shirts. It looked cute enough that way. There was enough going on in the skirts that the plain shirts weren't too plain.
Enter my VBS ugly shirt inspiration. We headed to Hancock fabric and picked out some embellishments. Kristin is my less is more kind of child. She picked out 3 simple, delicate, flower like buttons to sew in the top corner of her shirt. She did it all herself.
Here's a close up of the buttons she chose. They are quite delicate and intricate. She'll be our classic beauty, cause you know all our girls are gonna be beauties of some kind.
Grace is my more is more child and LOVEs to accessorize. She chose a large flowery iron on. She wanted me to add some buttons around the flowers. I have not done that yet and am not sure I will.
Elliott is 4 and I can still convince her for the most part, what she wants. So she chose some brown and pink and green buttons that will match with her brown skirt with the pink flowers and green leaves. Given my crafty track record, I was very happy about the way they turned out. AND I even had another craft success today! You'll have to come back tomorrow to see that one.
Very cute!