Sunday, August 14, 2011

So Now, What?

Well, that's it. "It" refers to several things. Today was kinda a big day in our house.

1. It was the last day of summer vacation. School starts tomorrow. Boo Hoo and Yipee. I will miss having the kids around (and mainly the sleeping in), but can definitely appreciate when they are gone. Plus, I am looking forward to getting back on a little bit of my own routine.

2. Today was the first day we had NO KIDS IN THE NURSERY!! Elliott is 4 and in our church, when you are 4, you move up to Sunday School with the big kids and children's church during worship. Today was promotion Sunday so she moved on up. What's happened to my little girls??? In the eyes of the church, apparently, I no longer have any babies.

3. Elliott learned how to swim today without floaties. Finally. Yes, she is only 4, and just turned 4, but she has been capable of doing this all summer but lacked the confidence to let go. Today after practicing swimming on the steps (which are all of 3 feet long) she finally made that leap. And let me tell you, once she did, there was no stopping this kid. She was ready to swim laps. She was jumping right into the deep end. No fear. I'm glad, but now I really gotta watch her. She seems to think that she can all of a sudden swim at the same level as her big sisters. Since then, I can't tell you how many times we have heard, "aren't you so proud of me!!" She is SO proud of herself. And her sisters are proud of her. It's really sweet the way they encourage her.

So now, the summer is gone, I have no more babies at church and all my kids can swim without the help of any floatation devices. I don't know whether to do a jig or to sit in a corner and cry. *sniff, *sniff

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I'm going to come back and read this for perspective once I enter newbornland. :) Having your babies grow up is bitter sweet, for sure.
