So, being that I am in to photography, people will occasionally ask if I've ever done one of those 365 projects. That's where you take a picture every day for a year. 365 pictures. And post them.
I love photography. But....come on. That's a lot of picture takin'.
However, I did think, I could probably do a 31 day project. So, for the month of May, I am going to take at least one picture each day. So as not to inundated you with 31 consecutive posts, I thought I'd share them a week at a time.
Today is May 3. So here are my first 3 days of pictures in my 31 day project.
Every spring, I get ferns to hang under the overhang of the house that is on the deck. And every spring, we have a mommy bird who makes a nest and lays eggs in the fern. The babies have now hatched. Even though my second born thinks they are adorable, I think they look rather angry. Still, it's fun to see them grow.
The irises in our yard are just beginning to bloom. |
The kids getting off the bus. Only 14 days left!!
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