Thursday, July 8, 2010

So I have some blogging to do. (I like to start sentences with the word “so.” It makes me feel like we are all part of one big, never ending conversation.) I really like to blog, it’s just hard to find the time. Our summer has been pretty busy. I really enjoy having my kids home and occasionally entertain the idea of homeschooling just so I can keep them here and we can do stuff together. However, I can appreciate them being away at school too. Having our sense of routine and schedule back will be kind of nice. Plus, I’ll be able to go run errands more at my leisure than feeling like I am on some sort of distorted shopping spree where a quick time is of the essence but nothing’s free. That aught to be a game show… where a mom tries to make it through the grocery store a fast as she can with a cart full of at least 3 kids. The first one through the check out with everything on her list (minus anything thrown in by the kids) and without anything in her buggy squashed or having committed child abuse, wins. Extra points for making it through without any child in tears and for no cuss words from mom.
I find my self frequently thinking of things I’d like to blog about. Some are things we’ve done this summer, some are just thoughts that pass quickly in and just as quickly out of my head. Unfortunately by the time I get around to sitting down in front of the computer to type, I’ve either forgotten what it was I wanted to blog about in the first place, or we’ve moved on to some other type of adventure and I feel like it’s too late to write about something we did 3 weeks ago because then I’d have to write about 4 or 5 different events and that might be too much for one post. **catching my breath** (much like my run on sentence there. I frequently have run on thoughts, so why not run on sentences?).
I’ve missed some pretty big events too. Going WAY back, I missed writing about our 9th wedding anniversary. That was in March. Even worse, 2 of my kids have had birthdays in the last couple months that I egregiously was remiss in writing about.
So what’s this post about anyway? Nothing really. I just wanted to write something. I’ve been caught up in my own head the last few days, thinking a lot of our present and future. Mostly just day dreaming about stuff. Not being content with my life as I should. Thinking too much about myself and not others.
We are at the pool right now. It is Hottt. I forgot my camera so I don’t have any pics to post with this entry.
I will try to post again soon. In case I forget, I’d like to post about Eclipse (the movie's been out a week now and I’ve already seen it twice) and just how incredibly the whole Twilight saga can suck you in and then keep you there. It’s a phenomenon, to me anyway. No book or movie has ever affected me this way. It's a shame it's only about vampires and werewolves and not something really redeeming. What kind of Christan am I? Shouldn't I be reading theology or listening to sermons or something? Ok, ok, enough right now. I’ll just have to cut and paste that snip-it for another post. I’d also like to post about this article I saw (but didn’t read) about how to make yourself happy. Of course, according to the article, you don’t need Christ to do this. The day after I saw that article, I read in my devotion (R.C. Sproul, Table Talk) about what you really need to be happy. You can imagine how these 2 articles were complete opposites.
Then, of course, I do need to do some catching up on our little summer “field trips.” So those are my little teasers. Maybe it'll even hold me accountable to actually write.

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